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Military cooperation with the US ends in Niger.

By nr39r Mar17,2024

Following in the footsteps of the French, it is possible that the American military will be expelled from Niger. The agreement on military cooperation that was reached in 2012 was criticized by the administration of generals that is currently in charge in Niamey.

There is a possibility that the United States of America will come to the same conclusion as France in Niger. As of Saturday, March 16, the dictatorship of the generals who are currently in charge in Niamey issued a statement in which they condemned the military cooperation agreement that was signed with Washington in 2012. They stated that the presence of the United States was “illegal” and “violates all constitutional and democratic rules.”

Amadou Abdramane, a spokesperson for the regime, stated that the government of Niger had been “taking into account the aspirations and interests of its people” when it made the decision to “denounce with immediate effect the agreement relating to the status of military personnel of the United States and civilian employees of the United States Department of Defense in the territory of Niger.” This decision was made “with all responsibility.” As stated by Niamey, this “unfair” arrangement was “unilaterally imposed” by the United States of America on July 6, 2012, through the use of a “simple verbal note.”

The United States of America would have promptly discontinued its assistance after the coup d’état that resulted in the overthrow of Mohamed Bazoum, the elected president of the country. However, as of July 2023, approximately 1,100 soldiers are still actively engaged in the fight against jihadists in the country. A sizable drone base is also located in Agacez, which is located in the north.

After a visit of three days, an American delegation led by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee arrived at the conclusion that this choice should be made. According to a source within the government of Niger, the latter was unable to meet with Abdourahamane Tiani, who is the head of the military dictatorship. On the other side, she was able to have two conversations with Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, who was acting as Prime Minister after being nominated by the military.

For the purpose of guaranteeing that the American government had informed Niamey “unilaterally” of its arrival date and the makeup of its mission, Amadou Abdramane provided an explanation on Saturday that stated, “The arrival of the American delegation did not respect diplomatic practices.” In addition to this, he declared that Molly Phee’s “condescending attitude” was “an attitude likely to undermine the nature” of the relationship that exists between the two nations.

The statement from the Niamey regime was taken into consideration by the United States government, according to Matthew Miller, who is the spokesperson for the United States Department of State. Miller also stated that the declaration was the result of “frank discussions […] on our concerns” regarding the “trajectory” of the junta. He went on to say that the United States of America is still in communication with the junta and that they will release additional information “if necessary.” The Pentagon issued a statement that was identical to the one reported by AFP.

During the same address, which was shown on television, Colonel Abdramane discussed the possibility of restoring constitutional order in this nation, which has become more similar to its neighbors Burkina and Mali, both of which are also administered by the military, as well as to countries such as Iran and Russia. He stated that this can be accomplished “as soon as possible.” This is a “solemn commitment” from the president of the transition, “as expressed in his address to the Nation on August 19,” according to the statement.

During this address, General Tiani talked about a transition that would last for a maximum of three years, and he stated that the duration of the transition would be determined by a “national dialogue.”

On Saturday, the government of Niger made the announcement that it would be terminating its military cooperation deal with the United States “with immediate effect.”
It was just one day after a senior United States team departed Niger, which had been there for three days to restore contact with the military junta that had removed the president and drawn closer to Russia. The declaration came just one day after the delegation left.

According to the statement, the government has made the decision to “denounce with immediate effect” the arrangement that involved civilian employees of the United States Department of Defense and members of the United States military who were stationed within Niger.

Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the United States Department of State, stated as much.–/10617491

By nr39r

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